Dr. Mrityunjoy Mahato

Designation: Assistant Professor

Department: Basic Sciences and Social Sciences


  • Ph. D. (Science), Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (IACS)/Calcutta University (2012)
  • M. Sc. (Physics), The University of Burdwan (2006)
  • B. Sc. (Physics), J. K. College, Burdwan University, (2004)

Professional Experience

  • Postdoctoral Researcher under SERB SIRE Fellowship at LUT University, Finland (2023-2024)
  • July, 2017-till date: Assistant Professor (stage-II, Academic Level 11)
  • July, 2012-July, 2017: Assistant Professor (stage-I, Academic Level 10)


  • Awarded SERB International Research Experience (SIRE) Overseas fellowship for six months to LUT University, Finland (2023-2024), Award Number: SIR/2022/001615, dated 18 June, 2023. (Duration: 22 Dec, 2023-20 June, 2024).
  • Awarded 2nd Prize in SERB poster competition workshop on “R & D Funding Opportunities by SERB: Awareness workshop for researchers from North-East Institutions” 14-15 july, 2022, organized by SERB, Govt of India and IASST, Guwahati.
  • Awarded 2nd Prize under Faculty/Scientist category of Mapping the Changemakers of North East  Region 2020, organized by DBT, BIRAC, Govt of India, 04 June, 2021.
  • Awarded DST International Travel Award, DST, Govt of India (18-20 Sept, 2011) to Boston, USA (Certificate No: SR/ITS/2756/2011-2012).
  • Awarded JRF and SRF Fellowship (2008-12), CSIR, Govt of India, 2008-2012 (Certificate No: 09/080(0593)/2008-EMR-1)
  • Qualified NET-JRF, CSIR Exam, CSIR, Govt of India (June 17, 2007) (Certificate No: 10-2(5)/2007(i)-E. U.II).
  • Qualified GATE Exam, Organized by MHRD/UGC, Govt of India (March 15, 2006) (Certificate No: G12651)
  • Qualified NCC Cadet-A Certificate (1997), NCC Directorate of West Bengal and Sikkim, Ministry of Defence, Govt of India
  • Life Member of Indian Physical Society, IACS, Kolkata (ID: LM/0999)
  • Life Member of Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT), Kanpur (ID: 11590L7584).
  • Life Member of Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA), Kolkata (ID: L33898)

Teaching and Learning:

  • B. Tech. paper (1st year):
    (1) Engineering Physics Theory-I (Unit on Mechanics, Electromagnetism) (2012-)
    (2) Engineering Physics Theory-II (Unit on Nanophysics, Semiconductor Physics) (2017-)
    (3) Engineering Physics Laboratory (Electrical, Non-electrical and Optical) (2012-)
  • B. Tech. paper (Energy Engineering):
    (4) Nanotechnology and Energy System (5th sem paper of Energy Engineering) (2019, 2020)
  • Ph. D. paper:
    (5) Experimental Techniques and their Applications (PhD course work, Dept of Physics) (2017, 18, 19)

(Course Attended)

  1. Attended 2 week Refresher Course in Materials for Energy and Sustainability, 04-18, Nov, 2024, UGC, Malaviya Mission Teachers training Centre (MMTTC), Centre for Science and Society (CS2), IISER, Bhopal
  2. Attended 2 week Refresher Course in Physics, 9-22 Dec, 2021, HRDC, University of Mumbai.
  3. Attended 2 week Refresher Course in e-Learning and e-Governance (Interdisciplinary), 5-17 Oct, 2020, HRDC, JNU.
  4. Attended 3 week Summer School, 19 June to 9 July, 2017, UGC-HRDC, NEHU, Shillong.
  5. Attended 3 week Orientation Program, 22 April to 29 May, 2013, UGC-Academic Staff College, NEHU, Shillong.
  6. Attended 1 week online AICTE ATAL FDP on Energy Storage, 17-21 May, 2021, organized by Institute of Aeronautical Engineering, Hyderabad
  7. Attended 1 Week Short Term Course on Waste to Wealth-The Current Scenario and Sustainable Technology (WTW-2020) on 20-24 January, 2020, by Dept of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, NIT, Durgapur, sponsored by TEQIP-III, NIT, Durgapur.
  8. Attended 1 Week ATAL Workshop on 3D Printing & Design, 02-06 March, 2020, Department of Biomedical Engg, NEHU, Shillong.
  9. Attended 1 Week ATAL Workshop on Energy Management and Audit, 14-18 Oct, 2019, Department of Energy, NEHU, Shillong.
  10. Attended 1 week Workshop on NBA Accreditation, 29 Oct to 2 Nov, 2018, School of Technology and NITTR, Kolkata.
  11. Attended 1 week Short Term Course on Research Methodology with Special Reference on SPSS Software, 14 March to 19 March, 2016, UGC-HRDC, NEHU, Shillong.
  12. Attended Workshop on Advances in Computational Biology and Computer Aided Drug Design at IIT Guwahati, 24-26 June, 2015.

Administrative Activities:

  • B Tech Physics Lab Incharge (2022-till date)
  • Member of Academic Calendar Committee (ACC), Dept of BSSS, NEHU, 2016-2019
  • Department SWAYAM Mentor (DSM), 2022-
  • Member of BOS, Dept of Nanotechnology (2022-), Dept of Computer Application, NEHU (2016-2019), Dept of Mechanical Engg, RIST, Meghalaya (2019-2022)
  • Member of DRC, Dept of Nanotechnology, NEHU, 2018-2021
  • General Secretary, NEHU-Eco Club, NEHU, Shillong, 2023-
  • Co-Coordinator, IPR Cell, NEHU, Shillong, 2022-2024.
  • Member of Btech Admission Committee, School of Technology, NEHU, 2019
  • Member of DPC, Dept of BSSS, NEHU, 2016-2019
  • Treasurer, Faculty Club Management Committee (FCMC), NEHU, Shillong, 2020-2022
Research Profile
Google Scholar ID: https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=1r1cKy0AAAAJ&hl=en
Vidwan / IRINS ID: https://nehu.irins.org/profile/123260
Linkdin ID: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-mrityunjoy-mahato-68b027108/
Research Gate: 0000-0002-6815-2399
Researcher ID: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mrityunjoy_Mahato
Scopus ID: 25932147400, Scopus h-index=13
ORCID ID: https://researchid.co/mrityunjoyphy1
Web of Science ID: B-6891-2009

Research Areas

  • Langmuir Blodgett (LB) Thin Film: LB film of Protein, Lipid, Surfactant, Polymer,  Metal Complex, Nanowire, Nanosheet
  • Waste to Wealth: Nanomaterials/Nanocomposites from Waste Plastic, Lead acid battery, Sugarcane bagasse, Natural sand, Scrap Iron, Aluminium cane, EPS foam
  • Photocatalysis: Heterostructure photocatalyst for dye degradation
  • Sensor: Electrochemical Sensor, Paper Sensor, Pesticide Sensor
  • Supercapacitor Energy Storage: Carbon Composite, Perovskite Composite, Metal Oxide, Metal Sulfide
  • Thermal Composite and Light Weight Composite: Boron Nitride Nanosheet; Nano Lignin, CNT, Graphene filler based composites

Research Projects

Sl No Title of Project Funding Agency Role Duration Amount
1 CNT-Metal Sulfide/Oxide Based Composites for Supercapacitor Applications (Sanction No: CRS/2023-24/01/1031) UGC-DAE-Consortium, Indore PI 3 years
(March, 2024-March, 2027)
2 Development of Advanced Green Biocomposite Film for Thermal Management Application in 5G/6G Devices (Sanction Number: SIR/2022/001615, Dated 18 June, 2023) SERB, Govt of India PI 22/12/2023 - 20/06/2024 16.988 Lakhs Completed
3 Quantum Dot Based Biosensor for Early Detection of Prostate Cancer Using multiple biomarkers in Biological samples, (Sanction No. BT/PR24652/NER/95/795/2017) DBT, Govt of India Co-PI 21/9/2018-05/03/2022)
(3.5 years)
56.999 Lakhs Completed
4 Bottom-Up Nanobiocomposite Film of Protein, Polymer and Nanoparticles by Langmuir Blodgett/Layer by Layer Technique for Pesticide Sensing Application, (Sanction No-EMR/2016/002634) SERB, Govt of India PI 24/3/2017-23/3/2020
(3 years)
5 Conversion of Waste Plastic into Value Added Products
(Sanction No-EMR/2016/004219)
SERB, Govt of India PI 13/6/2017-
(2 years)
6.646 Lakhs Completed

Research Guidance

Sl No Guidance Role Name of Students Thesis Title Status
Ph. D.
1 Supervisor Abhijit Nath
(Registered on 06/11/2017)
Study of Some Polymer-Metal Oxide Nanocomposites and their Potential Applications Awarded (05/08/2024)
2 Supervisor Aunggat Shah
(Registered on  06/11/2017)
Preparation, Characterization and Applications of Some New Carbon-Metal Sulfide Nanocomposites Awarded (16/12/2024)
3 Supervisor Sanjeev Bhandari
(Registered on 07/12/2018)
Study on the Preparation of Polymer Nanocomposite Thin Film and Their Sensing Application Submitted (20/11/2024)
4 Supervisor Subhabrata Senapati
(Registered on 26/10/2019)
Studies on Spectroscopic and Mechanical Properties of Carbon-Based Nanocomposites Ongoing
M. Tech.
1 Co- Supervisor, Supervisor: Dr L R Singh  Yuvraj Maphrio Mao Development of the Novel Nanomaterials to Improve Lithium-Ion Based battery for High Performance in Energy Storage Applications Completed
(July, 2022)
2 Co- Supervisor, Supervisor: Dr L R Singh Hirock Jyoti Das Preparation Lead Oxide Nanomaterial and Lead Oxide Carbon Nano-Composite from Waste Lead Acid Battery and Plastic for their Energy Storage Application Completed
(June, 2019)
3 Co-Supervisor, Supervisor: Dr L R Singh Jenis Samuel J. Preparation of Iron Oxide and  iron Oxide Nano-Composite from Waste Iron/Plastic and Their Energy Storage Applications Completed
(June, 2019)
4 Co-Supervisor, Supervisor: Dr L R Singh Bilal Ahmed Chowdhury Preparation of Silica Nanomaterials from Natural Sand Completed
(June, 2019)

Instrument Facilities or Assets Created:

Equipments Fund Sources
  • Langmuir Blodgett Film Deposition System
SERB, Project (EMR/2016/002634)
  • Pyrolysis Reactor Furnace (upto 1200 0C)
  • Microwave Oven (LG)
  • Autoclave
  • Digital Balance
SERB, Project (EMR/2016/004219)
  • Gamma Ray Spectrometer
  • UV-Visible Absorption Spectrometer
  • Hot Air Oven, pH meter, Magnetic Stirrer, Vacuum Pump,
        BSSS, NEHU Grant

Research Collaboration:

  • Dr Manashjit Gogoi, Dept of Biomedical Engineering, NEHU on paper based sensor development
  • Dr L. Robindro  Singh, Department of Nanotechnology, NEHU on supercapacitor and sensor
  • Dr Devkumar Mahato, NIT, Patna on Perovskite material
  • Dr Basudev Pradhan, Central University of Jharkhand. on Photo-supercapacitor application
  • Dr. Ramakanta Layek, LUT University, Finland. on Biocomposite thermal sink application
  • Dr. Manmatha Mahato, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, (KAIST), South Korea on supercapacitor



  1. Mrityunjoy Mahato, Manashjit Gogoi, Aunggat Shah, Santu Mandal (2021) The Pyrolysis Reactor Apparatus and the Process of MWCNT/H2 Production using Plastic Waste. India Patent TEMP/E-1/20464/2021-KOL, (Provisional Filed: April 21, 2021, Complete Submission: April 21, 2022, Published: October 28, 2022, Publication No: 43/2022, App No: 202131018430).
  2. Manashjit Gogoi, Bethuel Daurai, Arup Jyoti Baruah, Polina Baruah, Mrityunjoy Mahato, Device for Early Detection of Acute Pancreatitis, App No TEMPE/E-1/49384/2023-KOL, Provisional Submission  26/06/2023.

(Research Article)

  1. Prabodh Ch Paul, Dev Kumar Mahato, Mrityunjoy Mahato, Fe-doped SrTiO3 perovskites: exploring its photocatalytic dye degradation and supercapacitor applications, Frontiers of Materials Science, 2025, (Accepted), IF=2.5, ISSN: 2095-025X.
  2. Majed Parvan, Maham Arif, Vijay Singh Parihar, Mrityunjoy Mahato, Rama Kanta Layek, Sulfanilic acid-functionalized colloidal kraft lignin and its UV-shielding and antioxidant biocomposite with methylcellulose with simultaneously improved mechanical strength and ductility, Composites Part A, Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2025, (Accepted), IF=8.2, ISSN: 1359-835X.
  3. Sanjeev Bhandari, Vijay Singh Parihar, Minna Kellomäki, Mrityunjoy Mahato*, Highly selective and flexible silver nanoparticles-based paper sensor for on-site colorimetric detection of paraquat pesticide, RSC advances, 2024, 14 (39), 28844-28853, DOI: 10.1039/D4RA04557B, IF=3.9, ISSN: 2046-2069, Published 10 Sep 2024.
  4. Sanjeev Bhandari, Bhaskar Sen, Snehadrinarayan Khatua, L. Robindro Singh, Vijay Singh Parihar, Mrityunjoy Mahato,* Ruthenium complex based nanocomposite film with enhanced and selective electrochemical sensing of bifenthrin pesticide, RSC advances, 2024, 14(40), 29542-29558, DOI: 10.1039/D4RA04188G, IF=3.9, ISSN: 2046-2069, Published 18 Sep 2024.
  5. Sanjeev Bhandari, Abhijit Nath, L Robindro Singh, Manashjit Gogoi, Mrityunjoy Mahato*, >Sensing of Alphacypermethrin Pesticide Using Modified Electrode of Chitosan-Silver Nanowire Nanocomposite Langmuir Blodgett Film, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 2024, 104(8), 1-21, IF=2.731, Q2 category, Scopus Indexed, DOI: 10.1080/03067319.2022.2052865, Published 5 April, 2022, ISSN No: 10290397.
  6. Aunggat Shah, Subhabrata Senapati, L. Robindro Singh, Mrityunjoy Mahato*, Supercapacitor Performance of NiO, NiO-MWCNT, and NiO–Fe-MWCNT Composites, ACS Omega, 2023, 8 (37), 33380–33391, DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.3c03044, IF=4.1, ISSN: 2470-1343, Published 07 Sept, 2023.
  7. Prabodh Ch Paul, Aunggat Shah,  L. Robindro Singh, Mrityunjoy Mahato*, Dev Kumar Mahato*, Mn-Doped SrTiO3 and SrTiO3-Fe2O3 Composite Perovskites: Photocatalytic Dye Degradation and Supercapacitor, Application, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 2023, 34, 1305-19, DOI: 10.1007/s10854-023-10703-4, e-ISSN: 1573-482X, IF=2.8, Q2 category, Scopus Indexed, Published June 8, 2023.
  8. Abhijit Nath, Dev Kumar Mahato, L. Robindro Singh, Probodh Kumar Kuiri, Mrityunjoy Mahato*, Waste Derived Green ZnO-Fe2O3 Photocatalyst for Degradation of MB Dye Pollutant in Water, Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry 2023, 55(2), 1-14, DOI: 10.1080/24701556.2023.2258364, Accepted 06 May, 2023, IF=1.514, Scopus Indexed, ISSN: 2470-1556.
  9. Pradip Maiti, Swarupa Sarkar,  Tanmoy Singha, Sannak Dutta Roy, Mrityunjoy Mahato,   Parimal Karmakar, Sharmistha Paul, Pabitra Kumar Paul*, Enhancement of Fluorescence Mediated by Silver Nanoparticles: Implications for Cell Imaging, Langmuir, 2023, 39, 19, 6713-6729, DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.3c00204, ISSN: 1520-5827 (IF=4.331, Publication Date May 3, 2023.
  10. Aunggat Shah, L Robindro Singh, Manashjit Gogoi, Mrityunjoy Mahato*, Waste Plastic Derived FWCNT-NiMgAl Composite for Supercapacitor Application, Carbon Letters 2022, 32(6), 1541-1557. DOI: 10.1007/s42823-022-00392-0, Published 07 Sept, 2022, IF=3.117, Q2 category. ISSN: 22334998.
  11. Subhabrata Senapati, Aunggat Shah, P. K. Patra, Mrityunjoy Mahato*, Measurement of elastic modulus of CNT composites: a nondestructive study, Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures 2022, 3(2), 290-296. DOI: 10.1080/1536383X.2021.1936506 ISSN No: 1536383X, IF=2.06, Q3 category, Scopus Indexed, Published 5 July, 2021.
  12. Abhijit Nath, Aunggat Shah, L Robindro Singh, Mrityunjoy Mahato*, Waste Plastic Derived NiO-MWCNT Composite as Visible Light Photocatalyst for Degradation of Methylene Blue Dye,  Nanotechnology for Environmental Engineering, 2021, 6(3), 1-14. DOI: 10.1007/s41204-021-00163-8, IF=2.45, Q2 category, Scopus Indexed, Published Dec, 2021, e-ISSN No: 2365-6387.
  13. Sanjit Kumar Mahato, Ajay Kumar Timiri, Mrityunjoy Mahato*, Arjun Maity, Yogesh Kumar Walia, Studies on the Interaction and Complexation of Pyrrole Compounds with Hemoglobin, Journal of Indian Chemical Society, 2017, 94, 949-958, IF=0.284, Q4 category, Scopus/Web of Science Indexed, ISSN No  194522. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5636946,  Accepted 15 July 2017.
  14. Ajay Gupta, Ramen Jamatia, Mrityunjoy Mahato, Amarta Kumar Pal*, Metalloprotein Inspired Ruthenium Polymeric Complex: A Highly Efficient Catalyst in ppm Level for 1,3-dipolar Huisgen’s Reaction in Aqueous Medium at Room Temperature, Industrial & Engineering Chemical Research, 2017, 56, 2375-2382. IF=4.326, Q1 category, Scopus/Web of Science Indexed, ISSN No: 15205045. DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.6b04863,  Published 13 Feb, 2017.
  15. Ramen Jamatia, Ajay Gupta, Mrityunjoy Mahato, Ranjit A Patil, Yuan???Ron Ma, Amarta K Pal*, A Metalloprotein Inspired Ruthenium Complex as an Efficient and Reusable Catalyst for Selective Oxidation of Alcohols to their Corresponding Carbonyl Compounds, Chemistry Select 2016, 1, 1-8, IF=2.307, Q2 category, Scopus/Web of Science Indexed, DOI: 10.1002/slct.201600751. e-ISSN No: 2365-6549, Published 11 Nov, 2016.
  16. Mrityunjoy Mahato, Ratan Sarkar, Prabir Pal, G B Talapatra*, Formation of silver nanoparticle at phospholipid template using Langmuir-Blodgett technique and its Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy application, Indian Journal of Physics 2015, 89 (10), 997-1005, IF=1.778, Q2 category, Scopus/Web of Science Indexed, ISSN No 0974-9845. DOI: 10.1007/s12648-015-0674-z, Published 13 March, 2015.
  17. Ratan Sarkar, Bidisha Tah, Mrityunjoy Mahato, G B Talapatra, Prabir Pal, Formation of hemoglobin-assisted graphene oxide biocomposite film, Indian Journal of Physics 2014 88(11), 1147-1155, IF=1.778, Q2 category, Scopus/Web of Science Indexed, ISSN 0974-9845. DOI: 10.1007/s12648-014-0527-1, Published 20 June 2014.
  18. Mrityunjoy Mahato, Prabir Pal, Bidisha Tah, Tapanendu Kamilya, G.B. Talapatra, Growth and time dependent alignment of KCl crystals in Hemoglobin LB monolayer, Materials Chemistry and Physics 2012, 137, 665-672, IF=4.778, Q1 category, SCI/Scopus Indexed, DOI: 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2012.10.021. ISSN No:  0254-0584, Published 14 Dec, 2012.
  19. Mrityunjoy Mahato, Prabir Pal, Bidisha Tah, G. B. Talapatra, Hemoglobin-phospholipid interaction and biocomposite formation at air/water interface” Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2012 414, 375-383, IF=5.518, Q1 category, Scopus Indexed, DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2012.08.064. ISSN No:  0927-7757, Published 20 Nov, 2012.
  20. Mrityunjoy Mahato, Prabir Pal, Bidisha Tah, Manash Ghosh, G. B. Talapatra, Study of Silver Nanoparticle-Hemoglobin Interaction and Composite Formation, Colloid and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 2011, 88, 141-149, IF=5.999, Q1 category, Scopus Indexed, DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2011.06.024. ISSN No: 09277765, Published 08 July, 2011.
  21. Prabir Pal, Mrityunjoy Mahato, Tapanendu Kamilya, G. B. Talapatra, Interaction of Glucose with Hemoglobin: A Study in Aqueous Solution and at Air/Water Interface Using Langmuir Blodgett Technique, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2011, 13, 9385-9396, IF=3.945, Q1 category, Web of Science Indexed, DOI: 10.1039/C0CP02277B. ISSN No: 14639084, Published 11 Apr 2011.
  22. Prabir Pal, Mrityunjoy Mahato, Tapanendu Kamilya, Bidisha Tah, G. B. Talapatra, Fibrillation of Egg White Ovalbumin: A Pathway Via Biomineralization, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2011, 115 (14), 4259-4265, IF=3.466, Q1 category, Scopus/Web of Science Indexed, DOI: 10.1021/jp200607x. e-ISSN No: 1520-5207,  Published 23 March, 2011.
  23. Bidisha Tah, Prabir Pal, Mrityunjoy Mahato, G. B. Talapatra, Aggregation Behavior of SDS/CTAB Catanionic Surfactant Mixture in Aqueous and at Air/Water Interface, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2011, 115, 8493-8499, IF=3.466, Q1 category, Scopus/Web of Science Indexed, DOI: 10.1021/jp202578s. e-ISSN No: 1520-5207, Published 15 June, 2011.
  24. Tapanendu Kamilya, Prabir Pal, Mrityunjoy Mahato, Ratan Sarkar, G. B. Talapatra, Incorporation of Pepsin within Zwitterionic, Anionic, and Cationic Lipid Monolayers: A Comparative Study, RSC Advances, 2011, 1, 333–340, IF=4.036, Q1 category, Scopus/Web of Science Indexed, DOI: 10.1039/C1RA00158B, ISSN No: 2046-2069, Published 10 Aug, 2011.
  25. Prabir Pal, Tapanendu Kamilya, Mrityunjoy Mahato, G. B. Talapatra, Protein Monolayer Formation at Air-Electrolyte Interface: A Langmuir Blodgett Study, Surface Review and Letter 2011, 18, 267-279, IF=1.152, Q3 category, SCI/Scopus Indexed, DOI: 10.1142/S0218625X11014758. ISSN No: 0218625X, Published 12 May, 2011.
  26. Mrityunjoy Mahato, Prabir Pal, Tapanendu Kamilya, Ratan Sarkar, Avinanda Chaudhuri, G. B. Talapatra, Influence of KCl on the Interfacial Activity and Conformation of Hemoglobin by Langmuir Blodgett Technique, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2010, 12, 12997-13006, IF=3.945, Q1 category, Web of Science Indexed, DOI: 10.1039/C0CP00344A. ISSN No: 14639084, Published 27 Aug, 2010.
  27. Mrityunjoy Mahato, Prabir Pal, Tapanendu Kamilya, Ratan Sarkar, Avinanda Chaudhuri, G. B. Talapatra, Hemoglobin-Silver Interaction and Bioconjugate Formation: A Spectroscopic Study, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2010, 114, 7062-7070. IF=3.466, Q1 category, Scopus/Web of Science Indexed, DOI: 10.1021/jp100188s. e-ISSN No: 1520-5207, Published April 30, 2010.
  28. Mrityunjoy Mahato, Prabir Pal, Tapanendu Kamilya, Ratan Sarkar, G. B. Talapatra, pH Induced Structural Modulation and Interfacial Activity of Hemoglobin at Air/Water Interface, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2010, 114, 495-502, IF=3.3, Q1 category, Scopus/Web of Science Indexed, DOI: 10.1021/jp908081r. e-ISSN No: 1520-5207, Published 07 Dec, 2009.
  29. Ratan Sarkar, Prabir Pal, Mrityunjoy Mahato, Tapanendu Kamilya, Avinanda Chaudhuri, G. B. Talapatra, On the Origin of Iron-Oxide Nanoparticle Formation Using Phospholipid Membrane Templates at Air/Water Interface, Colloid and Surfaces. B: Biointerfaces 2010, 79, 384-389, IF=5.8, Q1 category, Scopus Indexed, DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2010.04.023. ISSN No: 09277765, Published 05 May, 2010.
  30. Sucheta Joy, Prabir Pal, Mrityunjoy Mahato, G. B. Talapatra, Sreebrata, Goswami, Tailor Made Synthesis of Amphiphillic Azoaromatics via Regioselective C-N Bond Fusion: Comparative Studies of Surface Properties of the Two Positional Isomers and Cobalt Complexes, Dalton Transactions 2010, 39, 2775-2784, IF=4.052, Q1 category, Scopus/Web of Science Indexed, DOI: 10.1039/B919871G. ISSN No: 1477-9234, Published 15 Feb, 2010.
  31. Tapanendu Kamilya, Prabir Pal, Mrityunjoy Mahato, G. B. Talapatra, Effect of Salt on the Formation of Alchohol-Dehydrogenease Monolayer: A Study by Langmuir Blodgett Technique, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2009, 113, 5128-5135. IF=3.466, Q1 category, Scopus/Web of Science Indexed, DOI: 10.1021/jp9001059. e-ISSN No: 1520-5207, Published March 25, 2009.
  32. Tapanendu Kamilya, Prabir Pal, Mrityunjoy Mahato, G. B. Talapatra, Immobilization and the Conformational Study of Phospholipid and Phospholipid-Protein Vesicles, Material Science and Engineering C, 2009, 29, 1480-1485, IF=7.328, Q1 category, Scopus Indexed, DOI: 10.1016/j.msec.2008.12.003. ISSN No: 0928-4931, Published 10 Dec, 2008.
  33. Tapanendu Kamilya, Prabir Pal, Mrityunjoy Mahato, G. B. Talapatra, Fabrication of Ovalbumin-Phospholipid Thin Film with Minimum Protein Aggregation by Different Self Assembly Methods, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2009, 9, 2956-2964, IF=1.134, Q2 category, SCI Indexed, DOI: 10.1166/jnn.2009.dk23. ISSN No: 15334880, Published 05 May, 2009.
  34. Prabir Pal, Tapanendu Kamilya, Mrityunjoy Mahato, G. B. Talapatra, The Formation of Pepsin Monomolecular Layer by the Langmuir–Blodgett film Deposition Technique, Colloid and Surfaces. B: Biointerfaces 2009, 73, 122-131, IF=5.8, Q1 category, Scopus Indexed, DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2009.05.008. ISSN No: 09277765, Published 18 May 2009.

(Review Article)

  1. Sourav Sarkar, Manashjit Gogoi*, Mrityunjoy Mahato, Abhijeet Balwantrao Joshi, Arup Jyoti Baruah, Prashant Kodgire, Biosensors for detection of Prostate Cancer: A Review, Biomedical Microdevices, 2022, 24(4), 1-12, IF=3.783, Scopus Indexed, DOI: 10.1007/s10544-022-00631-1, ISSN: 1387-2176,  Published 28 Sept, 2022.
  2. Manashjit Gogoi, Ramakanta Layek, Jyrki Vuorinen, Mrityunjoy Mahato*, Conversion of Solid Waste into Functional Carbon Materials: A Review, Environment and Energy Focus 2017, 6(1), 1-17. Web of Science Indexed, ISSN No: 2326-3040, DOI: 10.1166/eef.2017.1237, Published 01 March, 2017.
  3. Aochuba Jamir and Mrityunjoy Mahato*, A Review on Protein Based Nanobiocomposite for Biosensor Application” Reviews in Advanced Sciences and Engineering 2016, 5, 1-14. ISSN No: 2157-9121. DOI: 10.1166/rase.2016.1112, Published 02 Dec, 2016.

(Conference Proceedings Article)

  1. Abhijit Nath, Mrityunjoy Mahato*, Polystyrene-NiO-CNT Composite Ball and Film for Photocatalytic Degradation of Methylene Blue, Materials Today: Proceedings 2022, 57 (1), 321-327, DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2022.03.305, IF=1.24, Q3 category, Scopus Indexed, ISSN No: 2214-7853, Published 26 March 2022, Conference Name: International Symposium on Materials of the Millennium: Emerging Trends and Future Prospects (MMETFP-2021) 19-21 Nov, 2021, at Pandit Deendayal Energy University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India.
  2. Hirock Jyoti Das, Aunggat Shah, L Robindro Singh, Mrityunjoy Mahato,* Waste Derived Low Cost PbO-Carbon Nanocomposite and its Energy Storage Application, Material Today Proceedings, 2021, 47 (4), 1072-1077, IF=1.24, Q3 category, Scopus Indexed, DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2021.06.434. ISSN No: 2214-7853, Published 10 July 2021, Conference Name: International e-Conference on Advancements in Materials Science and Technology (iCAM 2020) 23-25 Nov, 2020, Jointly Organized by Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Jeppiaar Nagar, Chennai and Core Research Facility for Photochemistry & Nanomaterials, Gyeongsang National University, Republic of Korea.
  3. Jenis Samuel, Aunggat Shah, Dinesh Kumar, Robindro Singh, Mrityunjoy Mahato,* Preparation, Characterization and Some Electrochemical Study of Waste Derived  Iron Oxide-Carbon Nanocomposite, Material Today Proceedings, 2021, 47(4), 1048-1053, DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2021.06.239, IF=1.24, Q3 category, Scopus Indexed, ISSN No: 2214-7853, Published 26 June 2021, Conference Name: International e-Conference on Advancements in Materials Science and Technology (iCAM 2020) 23-25 Nov, 2020, Jointly Organized by Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Jeppiaar Nagar, Chennai and Core Research Facility for Photochemistry & Nanomaterials, Gyeongsang National University, Republic of Korea.
  4. Mrityunjoy Mahato*, Biomineralized Nanocrystal of Calcium Carbonate in Protein Langmuir Blodgett Monolayer, Materials Today: Proceedings 2017, 4 (4), 5682-5686, IF=1.24, Q3 category, Scopus Indexed, DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2017.06.030, ISSN No: 2214-7853, Conference Name: International Conference on Multifunctional Materials for Device Application (ICMDA), 26-28 Oct, 2016, Dept of Physics, NIT Patna, Published 24 July 2017.

(Book Chapter)

  1. Sanjeev Bhandari, Manashjit Gogoi*, Mrityunjoy Mahato, Choice of Enzyme Immobilization Matrices Used in Biosensor for Healthcare Applications, In: Sanjukta Patra, Debasree Kundu, Manashjit Gogoi, (Eds), Enzyme-Based Biosensors: Recent Advances And Applications in Healthcare’ Springer Nature, Singapore, (2021) eISBN: 978-981-15-6982-1, Chapter 2, pp 31-50, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-6982-1_2, Published 23 January 2024.
  2. Sourav Sarkar, Manashjit Gogoi*, Mrityunjoy Mahato, Nanomaterials for Point-of-Care biosensors, Nanobiosensors for Point-of-Care Medical Diagnostics, Manashjit Gogoi, Sanjukta Patra, Debasree Kundu (Eds), 2023, Springer Nature Singapore Pvt Ltd,  e-ISBN: 978-981-19-5141-1, Chapter-3, pp 55-77, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-19-5141-1, Published 01 Jan, 2023.
  3. Aunggat Shah, Goutam Saha, Mrityunjoy Mahato*, Parameters Involved in CNT Growth: A Review, in Tailored Functional Materials, Select Proceedings of MMETFP-2021, Springer, Singapur, 2022, Kalishadhan Mukherjee, Rama Kanta Layek, Debashis De (Eds), Springer Proceedings in Materials (International Symposium on Materials of the Millennium: Emerging Trends and Future Prospects MMETFP-2021). Chapter No: 14, pp 185-198, ISBN: 2662-3161, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-19-2572-6_14, Published 15 Sept, 2022.
  4. Mrityunjoy Mahato, Sanjukta Patra, Manashjit Gogoi, Herbal Nanocarriers for Cancer Therapy in Nanopharmaceuticals: Principles and Applications Vol 2, V. K. Yata, S. Ranjan, N. Dasgupta, E. Lichtfouse (Eds) Springer Nature, Switzerland, 2021, ISBN: 978-93-85777-64-6, Chapter 2, pp 41-75. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-44921-6_2.
  5. Abhijit Nath, Aunggat Shah, Sanjeev Bhandari, Manashjit Gogoi, Mrityunjoy Mahato*, Recent Advances on Polymer Nanocomposite based Radiation Shielding Materials for Medical Science, in Biomedical Engineering and its Applications in Healthcare, Sudip Paul (Eds), Springer Nature, Singapore 2019, ISBN: 978-981-13-3704-8, Chapter 11, pp 639-655, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-3705-5_26.
  6. Mohd Aurif Shergujri, Rabeuj Jaman, Arup Jyoti Baruah, Mrityunjoy Mahato, Davidson Pyngrope, L. Robindro Singh, and Manashjit Gogoi, Paper-Based Sensors for Biomedical Applications in Biomedical Engineering and its Applications in Healthcare, Sudip Paul (Eds), Springer Nature, Singapore, 2019, ISBN 978-981-13-3704-8, Chapter 6, pp 355-376, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-3705-5_15.
  7. Mrityunjoy Mahato*, Spectroscopic Techniques for Study of Protein Conformation, Trends in Experimental Biology Vol-2, Lakhan Kma (Eds), Excel India Publishers, New Delhi 2016, ISBN: 978-3-030-44920-9, Chapter 3, pp 32-48.
  8. Sanjeev Bhandari, Mrityunjoy Mahato*, Building of 2D Material Films using Langmuir???Blodgett Methodology in Langmuir-Blodgett Films: Fundamentals to Applications, Sayed Arshad Hussain (Eds), Elsivier, Cambridge, UK (2021), (Under Review) ISBN: 0323857868.
  9. Sanjeev Bhandari, Mrityunjoy Mahato*, Biosensor and Other types of Sensor based on LB Film in Langmuir-Blodgett Films: Fundamentals to Applications, Sayed Arshad Hussain (Eds), Elsivier, Cambridge, UK (2021), (Under Review) ISBN: 0323857868.

Outreach Services:


  • IOPscience journals: Europhysics Letter
  • ACS journals: J. Phys. Chem B, Langmuir
  • RSC journals: Soft Matter, RSC Advances
  • Elsevier journals: Material Chemistry and Physics, J. Luminescence, J. Colloid & Interface Science, Colloid & Surface B, J. Physics Chemistry of Solid, Composite Structures, J. Molecular Liquids, J. Environmental Chemical Engineering, Waste Management
  • Bentham Science Journals: Current Organic Chemistry, Current Pharmaceutical Analysis
  • PLOS journals: PLoS ONE

 (Invited Lectures/Resource Person)

  1. Invited Lecture on Role of Physics and Physicist in Engineering and Industrial Revolution” at National Seminar on Uncovering Physics: Emerging Research and Future Possibilities, 23-24 December, 2024, organized by  Department of Physics, Raghunathpur College, Raghunathpur, West Bengal.
  2. Invited Lecture on Knowledge and Importance of Physics in Engineering at AICTE Students Induction Programme, 13-24 August, 2024, organized by UHV Cell, School of Technology, NEHU, Shillong.
  3. Invited Lecture on Waste derived low cost CNT-composites for photocatalytic and supercapacitor application in Emerging Materials and their Societal Impacts (EMSI-2023), a five-day short term course (STC), organized by Department of Physics, NIT, Patna, 06-10 November, 2023.
  4. Invited Lecture on Research on Waste, 1D/2D Nano, Langmuir Blodgett Film, Sensor, Supercapacitor, Photocatalysis and Light Weight Composites on NanoTechnology Day-2023, Nanotechnology: A Way Ahead for Future Innovations, organized by Department of Nanotechnology, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong, India, 9th October, 2023, (Blended Mode)
  5. Invited Lecture on Optical and Electron Microscope for Material Applications” in one week Training Programme on Instrumentation and Application of ICP-OES, GF-AAS and Electron Microscopy at SAIF, NEHU, Shillong, 28 April-4 May, 2022.
  6. Invited Lecture on Plastic and Biomedical Waste Management on 25 Feb, 2022 (90 min) at Refresher Course in Biomedical, UGC-HRDC, NEHU, Shillong, 16 Feb-1 March, 2022.
  7. Invited Lecture (03 Dec, 2017) on Research in Langmuir Blodgett Trough at Refresher Course in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, UGC-HRDC, NEHU, Shillong, 13 Nov-03 Dec, 2017.
  8. Resource Person for evaluation of participants in the Refresher Course on Material Science and Nanotechnology, Department of Nanotechnology and UGC, HRDC, NEHU, Shillong, 24 Sept-8 Oct, 2021
  9. Resource person for interaction and evaluation with participants on topics “Functional Nanomaterials” in the UGC-HRDC Refresher course in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 13 Nov-3rd Dec, 2017.
  10. Served as Presiding Officer, Meghalaya State Assembly Election, 2018
  11. Evaluator of Ph. D. thesis, Dept of Physics, Tripura University. 2018

(Seminar Organised)

  • Co-Coordinator of two-day National Conference on Recent Trends in Applied Sciences: A Special Focus on Nano-science & Nano-materials (RTAS-2024) held during 22nd–23rd March 2024, organized by the Department of Basic Sciences & Social Sciences, NEHU, Shillong, Meghalaya, and sponsored by NEHU, Shillong, Meghalaya
  • Local Host in One Day Online Awareness Meeting of UGC-DAE-CSR on Utilization of In-house and Large Scale Facilities, organized by UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research, Kolkata Centre, Department of Physics, Tezpur University, Assam, and Department of Basic Sciences and Social Sciences, North-Eastern Hill University, Meghalaya on Sept 6, 2022.
  • Organizing Member in One Day Workshop on IPR, Patent and Trade Mark, School of Technology, NEHU, Shillong, 4th May, 2019, sponsored by NEHU.
  • Organizing Member in National Seminar cum Workshop in Nanoscience (NSWN-2018) Hands on Training on Sophisticated Instruments, Dept of Nanotechnology, 29-31st May, 2018.
  • Organizing Member in National Conference on Recent Advances in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, at Department of Nanotechnology, NEHU, Shillong, 8-9 th Sept, 2016.
  • Organizing Member in Entrepreneurship Awareness camp, at Department of Basic Sciences and Social Sciences, NEHU, Shillong, 26-28 March, 2015.
  • Organizing Member in UGC sponsored workshop on Maintenance of Electronic Laboratory Instruments, at Department of Basic Sciences and Social Sciences, NEHU, Shillong, 24-28 Sept, 2012.

Conference Presentation:


  1. Hirock Jyoti Das, Aunggat Shah, L Robindro Singh*, Mrityunjoy Mahato* Waste Derived Low Cost PbO-Carbon Composite and its Energy Storage Application,  International Virtual Conference on Advancements in Materials Science and Technology (iCAM 2020), at Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, 23-25 November, 2020. (Oral Presentation by HJD & Proceedings published)
  2. Jenis Samuel, Aunggat Shah, Dinesh Kumar, Robindro Singh,* Mrityunjoy Mahato,* Waste Derived Preparation of Iron Oxide-Carbon Nano-Composite and its Energy Storage Application,  International Virtual Conference on Advancements in Materials Science and Technology (iCAM 2020), at Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, 23-25 November, 2020. (Oral Presentation by JS & Proceedings published)
  3. Abhijit Nath, Mrityunjoy Mahato, “Efficient Preparation of Long Silver Nanowire by Microwave Method” at International Web Conference on Recent Advances in Science (IWCRAS-2020) on 30-31 July, 2020. (Oral presentation by AN)
  4. Abhijit Nath, Mrityunjoy Mahato, “Preparation, Characterization of Biosynthesized ZnO based UV-Shielding Material” at 1st International e-Conference on Recent Advances in Physics and Material Science-2020 (IC-RAPM-2020), kurseong College, Darjeeling, West Bengal, India on 9-10 July, 2020. (Oral presentation by AN)
  5. Aunggat Shah, Mrityunjoy Mahato, Multi Wall CNT Growth Using Waste Plastic as Carbon Source”  at 1st International e-Conference on Recent Advances in Physics and Material Science-2020 (IC-RAPM-2020), kurseong College, Darjeeling, West Bengal, India on 9-10 July, 2020. (Oral presentation by AS)
  6. Subhabrata Senapati, Aunggat Shah, Mrityunjoy Mahato, P. K. Patra, “Indirect Calculation of Elastic Modulus of CNT Composites'' at 1st International e-Conference on Recent Advances in Physics and Material Science-2020 (IC-RAPM-2020), kurseong College, Darjeeling, West Bengal, India on 9-10 July, 2020. (Oral presentation by SS)
  7. Aunggat Shah, Subhabrata Senapati, Manashjit Gogoi, Mrityunjoy Mahato, Carbon Nanotube (CNT) Preparation from Waste Plastic: A Review on Yield and Environmental Impact” at Recycle-2020, 3rd International Conference on Waste Management, 13-14 Feb, 2020 at IIT, Guwahati (Poster Presentation by AS).
  8. Subhabrata Senapati, Aunggat Shah, Manashjit Gogoi, Mrityunjoy Mahato, “Preparation of Fuel Chemicals from Plastic and Biomass Waste through Pyrolysis: A Review on Yield and Feasibility” at Recycle-2020, 3rd International Conference on Waste Management, 13-14 Feb, 2020 at IIT, Guwahati (Poster Presentation by SS).
  9. Aunggat Shah, Sanjeev Bhadari, Abhijit Nath, Mrityunjoy Mahato, “A Focused Review on the Waste Plastic Conversion into Carbon Materials” Recycle-2018, 2nd International Conference on Waste Management, 22-24 Feb, 2018 at IIT, Guwahati (Poster Presentation by AS).
  10. Sanjeev Bhadari, Aunggat Shah, Abhijit Nath, Mrityunjoy Mahato,  Focused review on the Preparation Strategies of Polymer Nanocomposite Film by Langmuir Blodgett Technique” International Conference on Nano and Functional Materials (NFM-2017) 16–18 Nov, 2017, at Department of Chemistry , BITS Pilani, Rajasthan (Poster Presentation by SB)
  11. Mrityunjoy Mahato, Ratan Sarkar “Nano-Assembly of Metal Nanoparticles using Langmuir Blodgett Film Deposition Technique International Conference on Multifunctional Materials for Device Application (ICMDA), 26-28 Oct, 2016, Dept of Physics, NIT Patna (Oral presentation by MM & Proceedings published).
  12. Mrityunjoy Mahato, Prabir Pal, and G. B. Talapatra, Langmuir Blodgett Approach for the Biosynthesis and Assembly of Silver Nanoparticles, International Conference on Material Science (ICMS) 14-16 Feb, 2013, Department of Physics, Tripura University, Agartala. (Oral presentation by MM).
  13. Mrityunjoy Mahato, Prabir Pal, Bidisha Tah, G. B. Talapatra “Biomineralization of KCl in Langmuir Blodgett Monolayer of Protein at Ambient Condition”, International Bionic Engineering Conference (IBEC) 2011, 18-20 September, Elsevier Ltd, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, sponsored by Elsivier Ltd (Poster presentation by MM).
  14. Mrityunjoy Mahato, Prabir Pal, Manash Ghosh, Bidisha Tah, Ratan Sarkar, and G. B. Talapatra “Silver Nanoparticle-Hemoglobin Interaction and Bioconjugate Formation: A Nano-Bio Material.” International Conference on Fundamental Nanoscience and Technology (ICFANT) 2010, 9-11 December, School of Material Science and Nanotechnology, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India (Poster presentation by MM).
  15. Mrityunjoy Mahato, Prabir Pal, Kamilya T., Sarkar R., Choudhury A. and G. B. Talapatra “Study of Hemoglobin at Air/Electrolyte Interface by Langmuir Blodgett Technique”. International Conference on Physics Biology Interface (ICPBI) 2009, 13-16 December, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata, India (Poster presentation by MM).


  1. Aunggat Shah, Sanjeev Bhnadari, Manshjit Gogoi, Mrityunjoy Mahato, “Plastic Waste to CNT Composite and LB Film Based Pesticide Sensor”, SERB sponsored workshop on “R&D Funding Opportunities by SERB-DST: Awareness workshop for researchers from North-East Institutions” 14-15 july, 2022, organised by SERB, Govt of India and IASST, Guwahati, (Poster presentation).
  2. Sanjeev Bhadari, Mrityunjoy Mahato, “Electrochemical Enzyme based Biosensor for  Detection of Organophosphorous Pesticide using Langmuir Blodgett Nanocomposite Film” at 3rd National Conference on Recent Advances in Science and Technology, by Assam Science and Technology University, on 17-19 August, 2020. (Poster Presentation  by SB)
  3. Mrityunjoy Mahato, Prabir Pal, Bidisha Tah, G. B. Talapatra “Study of Protein Aggregation: An Aspect of Molecular Biophysics”. National Conference on the Development of Modern Physics and Electronics (NCDME) 2012, 3-4 February, Dept of Physics, J. K. College, Purulia, WB, India (Oral presentation by MM).
  4. Mrityunjoy Mahato, Prabir Pal, Kamilya, T. Bidisha Tah, Ratan Sarkar, and G. B. Talapatra “Biomineralized KCl Crystal Nucleation in Hemoglobin Monolayer at Ambient Condition”. Department of Atomic Energy-Solid State Symposium (DAE-SSPS) 2010, 26-30 December, Manipal University, Karnataka, India (Poster presentation by MM).
  5. Mrityunjoy Mahato, Tapanendu Kamilya, Protein-Alkali Halide Bio-Nanocomposite Preparation in Langmuir Blodgett Monolayer, National Conference on Recent Advances in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, at Department of Nanotechnology, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong, 8-9th Sept, 2016.(Oral presentation by MM).
  6. Aochuba Jamir, G. B. Talapatra, Mrityunjoy Mahato, Preparation and Characterization of Proteins Monolayer by LB Technique National Conference on Recent Advances of Biomedical Engineering, Dept of Biomedical Engineering, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong, August 28-29, 2015.(Oral presentation by MM).
  7. Mrityunjoy Mahato, Manashjit Gogoi, “Waste to Wealth: An Environmental Nanotechnology Initiative IAPT National Convention and National Symposium on Recent Trends in Physics at Different Scales, 29-31 Oct, 2017, at Department of Physics, Gurukul Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar (Poster Presentation by MM)
  8. Sanjeev Bhadari, Aunggat Shah, Abhijit Nath, Mrityunjoy Mahato,   Manashjit Gogoi, “A Focused Review on the Conversion of Waste Biomass into Carbon Nanomaterial” Bioprocessing India, 9-11 Dec, 2017 at IIT, Guwahati (Poster Presentation by MM).